6 Months Free Trial

As a new platform, we're thrilled to offer you a 6-month free trial promotion. Explore the full potential of our platform, and if you find it valuable and wish to continue advertising beyond the trial period, we invite you to join our exclusive MyRAS membership. Unlock extended product advertisement opportunities and take your brand to new heights. Embrace the possibilities and join us on this exciting journey of success!

Steps on how to Share Your Products/Services with NRX

Unlock the full potential of our platform by completing all four steps. Provide comprehensive details about your products and company, ensuring that we have a complete record to showcase your offerings.  

Company/Business Details

Provide your company and business details to establish a strong presence on our platform.


Clearly define the type of products or services your company specializes in.

List of Products/Services

Create a comprehensive list of your products or services, showcasing the breadth and depth of your capabilities.

Products/Services Details

Delve into the details of each product or service, capturing the essence of its features, benefits, and applications.

Company & Business Details

Please choose your business type