MyRAS Meets MOHE Deputy Minister

MyRAS Meets MOHE Deputy Minister

Malaysia Robotics and Automation Association ( MyRAS ) headed by The President , Prof Dr Ishkandar Baharin and accompanied by Management Exco Team Members had a successful meeting with YB Dato’ Mansor Othman – Deputy Minister of Higher Education (MOHE) and his Management Team at the Ministry’s Office at Putrajaya on Thursday, 8th April 2020.

MyRAS made some positive proposal to MOHE with excellent presentation by Prof Dr Ishkandar.

  • Implementing, Training and Certification for TVET / Vocational Schools / Community Colleges with AI and Robotics / Machine Learning / Smart Manufacturing Programs.

  • Special Focus on Smart Welding Robotics Program and Producing Future Robotics and Automation Technologist to Cater the Demand for the Automotive and Metal Fabrication and Manufacturing Industries.

  • Empowering Women in Robotics, Malaysia.

  • ASEAN Robotics Network

  • Robotics, AI and IR4.0 Standardization and Exchange

More Comprehensive Dialogue Session will be Held Soon with Related Agencies and Stakeholders.


Yours truly,Raghunathan Kuppusamy KonarSecretary GeneralMalaysia Robotics and Automation Association